Tuesday 23 April 2013

Protagonists - Molly and Hermione

The only two characters seen in the trailer are the protagonist and the villain (person in the cellar).  

We have chosen two of our friends to portray these characters for us and chose the based on the fact that they both do drama at A-Level and they are also close friends of ours so we would be comfortable giving them instructions and they are used to being directed and are practiced actresses.

Molly - Protagonist:

We chose Molly to be our main character as there is a certain innocence about her look and she has a natural as well as mature look, like that of a student or young lady. We thought these characteristics would be ideal as our  protagonist's back story is that she has just moved out of her parents house and this is her first house alone. Therefore she is naive to living alone and is just starting her life and gaining her independence.

These characteristics are fairly typical of the horror genre as there is often a "damsel in distress" type of character that is weak and perhaps foolish. Molly's character is true to this stereotype to a certain extent, although she does live alone and there is no standard "knight in shining armour" to save her, so whatever situation she might find herself in, she must get herself out of. Here is one of the ways our film differs from other horrors.

Hermione - Villain:

We chose Hermione to act as our villain as she has a particular knack for playing supernatural and eerie characters. She also has a specific look that can be distorted with the right make up and look quite frightening. 

Hermione's character's look is of slight innocence, much like Molly's although it is distorted with make up and facial expressions into a more sinister and creepy look. We thought this would be effective, as then our protagonist and villain would have an odd similarity as well as vast contrasts. Also they are of the same age and gender which is another similarity. This may make the audience ask questions such as "what must have happened in these girls pasts for them to have turned out so differently from each other?" 

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