Tuesday 23 April 2013

Final location choice for trailer - Keeley's lower floor

After our lack of success filming in the abandoned college, Keeley and I found somewhere to film much closer to home... In Keeley's home!

The house itself is very old and used to flats, so the lower floor has a kitchen which isn't used so it was perfect for our trailer. It also has a cellar which is a very stereotypical location for a horror film so we thought we would incorporate that too. 

^ kitchen area 

The only indication that shows the protagonist is in a new home, other than when she speaks of it on the phone with her Mum, is when she is seen washing up in the kitchen. This is an indication as it looks very run down and there are very few homely belongings in the photo. There are boxes surrounding her making it seem as though she has just moved in and has not unpacked

The main location that our trailer is filmed in is the cellar that our protagonist discovers during the trailer.

Cellar from the entrance ^

The cellar is a very good location we felt as Keeley and I were the first people to go in the cellar since her family moved to the house so we found lots of old belongings owned by the previous family who lived in the house. This for us in itself was very creepy so it seemed the perfect place to film a horror! 

View of steps from inside the cellar ^

As is shown in this picture, the cellar is very dusty and old-looking and not decorated in the slightest. We removed some of the old belongings to make it seem more empty and  moved anything that looked modern, such as some carrier bags lying around. 

^ Walkway to the main cellar room (where Keeley is standing)  

 You can see in this picture as well as the previous one some rusty pipe and electrical work which we liked as it looked somewhat dangerous and rusty adding to the unnatural nature of the cellar.

This room is the main room of the cellar which we used as the living space of the 'villain' of our film. The lighting is effective in this room as it is a singular light bulb that doesn't give off a huge amount of light leaving some corners dark. 

Although the hole in the wall that you can see is actually blocked, that is not obvious in the footage so could be thought to be a secret passageway, again another standard feature of a horror movie.

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