Tuesday 23 April 2013

Original location for filming - abandoned college

We dabbled with the idea of a few locations to film our trailer, taking into account the story line and genre and what would look good and effectively stage our plot in the way we wanted.

Originally we wanted to film it at the abandoned Hastings College. It has not been used for many years and we felt it would be ideal because in our plot we wanted our protagonist to have just moved to a run down house or flat that looked old and had a creepy feel to it (keeping with the horror genre).

The abandoned college ^

Our original idea was to use a section of the college to film in so it looked like our protagonist was living in a smaller house, as she is young and realistically wouldn't afford a huge house.

After visiting the site to try to establish what parts we would film in and to get an idea of props and such, we saw it was in very bad condition and looked very dangerous to enter. For our own safety we decided it was not a good idea to film in there as well as we later found out it would have been illegal anyway. 

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