Tuesday 23 April 2013

Horror Poster Analysis - The Uninvited

This poster demonstrates typical film poster conventions such as... 

...but it also demonstrates some typical conventions of horror movie posters.

  • This poster has one large focusing image that is fairly invasive and seems as if the person is looking onto the viewer to give it an eerie and uncomfortable feel. This is common in horror posters as they tend to have one main image rather than many small ones to not give too much away of the film.

  • The lighting in the poster is low and the characters face is shadowed. This again is not uncommon for a horror poster as the shadow over the girls face is to give her mystery, as people often fear the unknown. 

  • The colour scheme in this poster is black and white or greyscale. This again must demonstrate the darkness of the film itself as well as to keep the mystery and suspense intact. The fog behind the character pressed against the window also creates suspense as it is typically difficult to see through fog, therefore anything could be lurking in its midst. 

  • The title is somewhat small and in a distorted font. This distortion could reflect the distorted events within the plot, and the fact that it is small makes us focus on the picture more. 

  • The fact that there is a caption on the poster stating that the film is 'from the producers of 'the ring' and 'disturbia'', shows the promotion of the film. 'The Ring' and 'Disturbia' were popular horror films in their own right therefore this film should follow that success. 

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