Sunday 28 April 2013

Evaluation Question 3

Generally films or genres tend to have a certain audience category that they seem to appeal to. 

After I had filmed and edited my trailer, I wanted to show it to a few people of both gender that fit into devised age groups to try to find the audience that would be best suited for my film. 

I feel it is a great thing to get audience feedback as it can definitely help you grow as a creative artist, and better your future projects. For example after receiving this audience feedback I will have a better idea of which audience category wants from a film.

Lets see what they thought!...

My Dad didn't seem too sure about the trailer. He enjoyed the horror and tension but was not a fan of the protagonist. Perhaps this is because of the age and gender difference therefore she was un-relatable for a middle age man.

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My Mum was not a fan of the trailer at all! She jumped throughout and hid her head at the end. She said this was not personal to my trailer as she doesn't like horror films in general, so a middle aged woman is not the demographic that we are aiming for with horror in future. 

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Eve liked it a lot! It was right up her street and it actually made her associate the film with real life situations like she said it makes her "not want to move into her own flat". She perhaps found it more sinister as the protagonist is her age and therefore relatable. 

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Liam enjoyed the trailer, but would have preferred one with more action and blood and gore. He did like the horror parts but prefers slasher films to subtle supernatural horrors.

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In conclusion I feel the best audience to aim for when promoting my film would be the younger generation and perhaps females. This is due to the horror genre in general being massively popular within young people, and our film in particular with girls as they can identify with the protagonist.

Having said this, this is not set in stone. All ages and both genders enjoy a variety of film and it does often depend on the person, therefore we would not rule out advertising around a broad audience.

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