Sunday 28 April 2013

Evaluation Question 2

When I started working on my auxiliary texts I wanted it to be obvious that there was a clear link between them and that the theme was consistent so the audience could get a good feel for the film from all three products and see the link. I felt this was vital as this is what would occur with the promotion of a real media project and I wanted it to look as professional as possible. 

The three products definitely complimented each other in that they all gave off different parts of information about the main film, but very little information. 

For the mag cover and poster, they both have different images on them as I wanted to vary the information given to the audience. 

The mag cover has an image of just Hermione's face with her eyes blacked out in a scratched effect to give a creepy effect.

This introduces the potential film audience to Hermione's character and give information about our villain, like she is a girl, without giving too much away. I decided to show just her face and put the picture in greyscale, not only to make her look impending and eerie, but to add suspense, and not give her away too much as a character.  
<- original image

The poster image like I said is very different and here displays the fact that the setting is in a cellar, with the drap door opening and hand coming forward.

With this picture you see no face so it gives off very little about the character, but rather focuses on the setting and thy mystery of the film.

I used the same font for the title 'INTRUDER'  to give it a continuous film and to confirm that it was not a different film advert if someone sees the poster and magazine cover individually. Its important that the potential audience associate the font with the project all together. 

I chose to make both ancillary tasks black and white as it reflects the darkness of the trailer and storyline as well as bring suspense and mystery. I didn't want to do the whole trailer in black and white, so I adapted this by doing it with low lighting to still give it a dark edge. I did this as I didn't want the audience to think that the entire film is black and white, as with modern films this is not popular so I did not wish to put them off watching the main film.

Essentially, my two ancillary tasks are there to promote my main film. For promotion to be a success, it is vital that the audience would link the two tasked together and they enjoy both parts of the cohesion. This is why I tried to make them different in their own way, so the audience would see something new with each task and not be bored with one or other. 

To conclude, I feel I have created effective promotion material for my main project and used good continual aspects such as greyscale colouring and font, to keep it continuous. I think my three pieces compliment one and other and fit well as one rather than individually.  

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