Sunday 28 April 2013

Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation Question 3

Generally films or genres tend to have a certain audience category that they seem to appeal to. 

After I had filmed and edited my trailer, I wanted to show it to a few people of both gender that fit into devised age groups to try to find the audience that would be best suited for my film. 

I feel it is a great thing to get audience feedback as it can definitely help you grow as a creative artist, and better your future projects. For example after receiving this audience feedback I will have a better idea of which audience category wants from a film.

Lets see what they thought!...

My Dad didn't seem too sure about the trailer. He enjoyed the horror and tension but was not a fan of the protagonist. Perhaps this is because of the age and gender difference therefore she was un-relatable for a middle age man.

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My Mum was not a fan of the trailer at all! She jumped throughout and hid her head at the end. She said this was not personal to my trailer as she doesn't like horror films in general, so a middle aged woman is not the demographic that we are aiming for with horror in future. 

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Eve liked it a lot! It was right up her street and it actually made her associate the film with real life situations like she said it makes her "not want to move into her own flat". She perhaps found it more sinister as the protagonist is her age and therefore relatable. 

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Liam enjoyed the trailer, but would have preferred one with more action and blood and gore. He did like the horror parts but prefers slasher films to subtle supernatural horrors.

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In conclusion I feel the best audience to aim for when promoting my film would be the younger generation and perhaps females. This is due to the horror genre in general being massively popular within young people, and our film in particular with girls as they can identify with the protagonist.

Having said this, this is not set in stone. All ages and both genders enjoy a variety of film and it does often depend on the person, therefore we would not rule out advertising around a broad audience.

Evaluation Question 2

When I started working on my auxiliary texts I wanted it to be obvious that there was a clear link between them and that the theme was consistent so the audience could get a good feel for the film from all three products and see the link. I felt this was vital as this is what would occur with the promotion of a real media project and I wanted it to look as professional as possible. 

The three products definitely complimented each other in that they all gave off different parts of information about the main film, but very little information. 

For the mag cover and poster, they both have different images on them as I wanted to vary the information given to the audience. 

The mag cover has an image of just Hermione's face with her eyes blacked out in a scratched effect to give a creepy effect.

This introduces the potential film audience to Hermione's character and give information about our villain, like she is a girl, without giving too much away. I decided to show just her face and put the picture in greyscale, not only to make her look impending and eerie, but to add suspense, and not give her away too much as a character.  
<- original image

The poster image like I said is very different and here displays the fact that the setting is in a cellar, with the drap door opening and hand coming forward.

With this picture you see no face so it gives off very little about the character, but rather focuses on the setting and thy mystery of the film.

I used the same font for the title 'INTRUDER'  to give it a continuous film and to confirm that it was not a different film advert if someone sees the poster and magazine cover individually. Its important that the potential audience associate the font with the project all together. 

I chose to make both ancillary tasks black and white as it reflects the darkness of the trailer and storyline as well as bring suspense and mystery. I didn't want to do the whole trailer in black and white, so I adapted this by doing it with low lighting to still give it a dark edge. I did this as I didn't want the audience to think that the entire film is black and white, as with modern films this is not popular so I did not wish to put them off watching the main film.

Essentially, my two ancillary tasks are there to promote my main film. For promotion to be a success, it is vital that the audience would link the two tasked together and they enjoy both parts of the cohesion. This is why I tried to make them different in their own way, so the audience would see something new with each task and not be bored with one or other. 

To conclude, I feel I have created effective promotion material for my main project and used good continual aspects such as greyscale colouring and font, to keep it continuous. I think my three pieces compliment one and other and fit well as one rather than individually.  

Evaluation Question 1



I wasn't happy with my initial magazine cover design so decided to do a fresh one with my own footage and I am pleased with how it turned out.

I used publisher to create the poster then to edit the main image I used PAINT.

Genre Analysis

Genre, in film theory refers to the method based on similarities in the narrative elements from which films are constructed. They are then classified into files or genres. Some popular genres in Hollywood include Comedy, Chick flick, Horror, Teen, Musicals, Drama etc. 
Films are also be subdivided by their characteristics and the content shown in the film. For example: Family movies, children’s film , cult films and silent films. Genres are basically used by film makers to appeal to different audiences classified by either Age, ethical background, region etc.

My film has the genre of “Horror” with a slight sub-genre of “supernatural - horror”. Below is a slideshare presentation of horror sub-genres and how i came to the conclusion about my subgenre.

Conventions of the genre are vital when making my trailer. The conventions of a horror genres specifically are particularly obvious however can be difficult to do and put across well. If I want to make a sucessful trailer I would have to be sure to include as many conventions as I can as well as doing plently of research so that it look as proffesional as possible.

Dark scenes are very typical of horrors. The lighting and filtering can make a scene or even photograph look entirelly different and make the horror aspects very effective. Eerie visuals is always important to set the scene.

Location is vital to a horror film. Isolation is key, making the audience feel like the character or characters are on their own making them more helpless or vulnerable. for example, cellars, old houses, asylums.

Camera Work
High and low angles can suggest nightmares of the characters or surrealness.

POV shots make the film more intimate by giving the audience a sense of what the character is going through and allowing them to see through their eyes.

Depth of field allows things to approach the camera slowly therefore causing suspense.

Handheld shots can help disorientate the audience and again make them feel like they are in the character shoes.

With a horror film, audio is arguably the most important aspect when editing. The sound can almost make something visually terrifying funny, or the other way round - something visually not ovely impressive terrifying.
  • Exaggerated diegetic sound will allow tension to build (such as cellars slamming, footsteps or creaking floorboards)

  • Fast and loud non diegetic sound can add to making the audience jump or feel scared I.e. the music in the shower scene in Psycho.