Wednesday 10 April 2013

Initial magazine cover promoting our film

This is my final draft for a magazine cover. I decided to make it a free magazine from our local cinema because our film is very low budget and not highly promoted therefore it wouldn't be picked up by any major magazines such as Empire or Total Film. 

I used words such as 'terrifying' to promote the films genre, and to promote the film itself the coverline 'Local film preview special!' to make it sound exciting, and as if it is an exclusive insight into the new film. 

I used dark colours to try and stick to the theme of the film to some extent, as well as trying to make them fairly neutral so that because my film wouldn't be on the cover every week, these colours will work well with all types of film poster or cover that could be advertised on it in the future.


I have made some changes to the magazine cover from the flat plan. For example the flat plans' magazine title is 'Local Talent'. Due to the fact that the magazine had to specifically be a film magazine I changed the name to 'ODEON - Under the Radar' to still give it the same local, lower budget feel, but incorporating the film aspect.

Also the poster looks a little different and this is because I hadn't created the poster when I made my drawn flat plan, and I changed the idea when coming to make the main poster. 

I also made the caption that is shown below the drawn flat plan in a plug rather than a caption because i felt that this fitted the cover better and made it look more authentic. 

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