Monday 16 July 2012

Contrasting conventions of British and American Narratives

For part of our research, I thought it would be interesting to compare the differences between English narratives and American narratives within the film industry, as this may help me decide what kind of film I want my trailer to depict and whether i want to develop or keep the same the conventions of my film, depending what genre or style it will be. 

I also have to take into account that my film will take place in England and the actors will most probably be English, as this is where I am now, and I dont have the resources or budget to film my trailer anywhere else! 

Due to this fact, I will have to decide whether or not my film will stay mainly true to a typical English narrative or if I want to encorporate some American conventions into it where I can.  

I used 'Wordle' to make these word clouds to show the different typical conventions in a creative and easy to read way.

After having a discussion with my classmates about whether the genre of horror was not enjoyed anymore, i felt it would be interesting to look into this more as i had considered using Horror as the genre for my trailer.

For this years Coursework, my class has been told that rather than planning filming and editing a film opening, we have to plan, film and edit a trailer.

To do this, my blog will have to be full of plans, research and general preparation in lead up to my final piece.

With my trailer I will have to take into account the genre, appeal and target audience among many other crucial factors that will make it gripping, including taking into account my budget and resources in filming and editing the trailer.